Excuses Most People Make That Stop Them from Reaching Their Dreams

Have you ever said or done something that stopped and discouraged you from taking action toward your goals?

Reasons and undesirable self-talk are common problems and are what usually stops most of us from achieving our dreams. But they aren’t deceptive until we become aware of them. And it’s not until you become responsive of them that you can start to begin changing them to help you move forward.

Here are 12 of the most common explanations people use that stop them from reaching their dreams:


  1. I’m too old to start.

As long as you’re still living and breathing, you still have all the resources to turn your life around. All it takes is determination and desire.

  1. I’m not talented enough.

Talent alone isn’t enough to be truly prosperous. It might help you progress faster, but ultimately, all it requires is hard work and dedication to improving.

  1. I’m not smart enough.

Don’t despair if you feel you lack the knowledge to pursue your goals. There is a good reason why you lack the knowledge—you’re just starting! The key to learning is to start from somewhere and make progress.

  1. I don’t have the support.

While having the support is beneficial, it will not be the reason for your success and is simply ideal for getting you through hard times. The biggest things that matter in your journey toward success and achievement is your drive and motivation.

  1. I don’t have enough time to discover what I like.

If you sit down and make a list of all the things you do in a typical day, you’ll begin to realize that you actually have enough time. Figure out what is wasting your time, and replace it with the things that will get you to your goals.

  1. I don’t know if I will succeed.

The greatest mystery about life is in not knowing what’s going to happen. Sometimes, your journey will take you on roads you never thought existed.

  1. I’m just not lucky enough.

All of us are lucky all of the time. The difference is, you just don’t see the opportunities presented to you due to lack of preparation. Focus on preparing yourself for them, so when an opportunity comes, you naturally will become luckier.

  1. I’m not destined to succeed.

Everything that ultimately happens in your life is all due, in part, to the decisions you make. If that’s your current belief about yourself then, chances are, you’re right.

  1. I’m not motivated enough.

If you lack the drive to do whatever it is you hope to do, there’s a chance you don’t want it badly enough or see it as something you really want.

  1. I’m not educated enough.

Education isn’t necessarily something you have to learn at school. You can never have enough education to get started. If you’re unsure, just take action anyway and learn along the way. Experience always will be the best educator.

  1. I can’t handle failure.

If that’s your belief, then it’s a lie. We are rejected every day of our lives, but we fail to see the rejections because we don’t choose to acknowledge them. Learn to detach yourself from outcomes and to see the process as journey of self-discovery.

  1. I will start tomorrow.

There is no such as a future, only the present. If you genuinely have the time to do something now, then use the opportunity and go and do it. You will feel a lot more energized and motivated, knowing you’ve pushed yourself and made progress.

Now, stop making excuses that keep you from reaching your dreams. Go forth and prosper!University of Atlanta makes sure all their students are prominent and respectable addition in the corporate environment and before entering the real world they are very well aware of the importance of communication. These tips will help fresh graduates and people who are already working in the corporate atmosphere. To stay connected and learn more follow us on Facebook , Google plus , Pinterest and Twitter

Here Is How You Can Get Everything Done on the Same Day

Successful people are those who not only have the ability to get things done but have the ability to get everything done right in minimum time. So what’s their secret? How are they able to get everything done when others fail?


Well, the answer is that they keep themselves ‘organized’. University of Atlanta has compiled the following list through which you too can unclutter your work life.

Morning Routine

Start your day with the thought of how you are going to approach the entire day.  Your time is important so start your day early, make your bed, get a healthy breakfast, pack your paperwork and make sure you have your phone charged.

Workspace Routine

On your desk, less is always more and in an environment where time is everything you need to keep everything on your desk organized so time is not wasted looking for things. It is also important that you don’t stop with your desk and ensure that your entire workspace provide you a distraction and clutter free room to excel in your work.

Work Routine

The first thing you need to do after reaching your office is to prioritize your work. Identify what matters most and develop a discipline. Before you start anything know that you have to get it done right and know the time you will take to complete it. Planning for the time you will take to complete it before you start makes you to do it without any stress and also leaves you time to make last-minute adjustments if needed.

Email Routine

Set a routine to check your emails by developing a system of limits according to your workload and job role. If that is five times a day, you need to develop a schedule for that. Moreover, you need to set a time limit you will spend every time you will look into your mailbox and follow it strictly.

Problem-Solving Routine

Every day will come with new problems and you need to be prepared. Don’t spend too much time thinking on the problem rather keep your focus on finding the solutions. Create simple yet realistic solutions, according to the nature and urgency of the problem. Always make efforts to keep your mind relaxed and untangled when you are searching for a solution.

Self-Development Routine

Set aside some time every day for your self-development because the time you spend on yourself is most important. Keep on improving yourself and never stop building effective habits.

Evening Routine

Your evening time should be your time to relax, reflect on what you did today and also to prepare for your next day. Remember no one is born organized and to get things done you need an uncluttered life that will not only save you time but improve the overall quality of your life.

Related: Learn the Trick That 70% of Businesses & Professionals Do To Stay on Track

Follow the University of Atlanta on Facebook , GooglePlusPinterest and Twitter to get more interesting reads on career, success and more.

Student’s Guide: Time Management

Learn to manage time when studying online, and stay ahead of everyone in the class. Earning a degree online is not that challenging but being the prominent one can be slightly tough. Those students who are always top of the line everywhere, there are a few guidelines for them to retain that image. Students who want to stay on top should possess qualities such as discipline, dedication, and management.

“A good student possess some qualities which set him/her apart from everyone, whether in a traditional classroom or learning online.”

University of Atlanta Expert Faculty Member

It’s a little challenging for students to cope up with requirements online because they are not in contact with their peers or mentors in-person, and interaction is online.

“Studying online is easier, because student have the advantage to learn on his/her own pace,” says an expert on online education. He further added that, student have the freedom to manage time and concentrate because they get individual attention, which every student desires.

A recent study about online education revealed that flexibility is what attracts student the most towards studying online. From 2010-2014 enrollments in online education topped at 10 million students.

For students who have a lot going on; be it kid’s recitals to attend, an important meeting to present or parent-teacher meeting, these tips will help them stay ahead and make their life easier.


Keep a Calendar

Make your own personal calendar, and mark all the important dates on it and keep checking your syllabus. Mark time and dates for each course and commit to it.

“I set my calendar every night, usually after I  put my kids to bed. It helps me manage my work, family and education.” – said a University of Atlanta  student.

Go through your Course Every Day

The most useful thing about distance learning is that you can take your classes anywhere with access to the internet, stay up-to-date and organized with your android or tablet. All these mobile devices can help student revise and study, even if they are at their kid’s baseball game or daughter’s recitals.

“Adding learning to your daily routine eliminates the last minute pressure and being up-to-date makes them more flexible towards last minute course changes or exams.

Look Ahead

Make sure you know about your due assignments and what’s coming up next. This will prepare you with upcoming submissions and time management.

If you are someone who studies last minute or makes assignments at the eleventh hour, you need to let go of that habit. The reason being that this habit will not only make your life difficult but majorly affect your work and family.

Need Help? Ask for it!

Student often doesn’t ask for help, they try to figure it out on their own, this habit might waste a lot of your time, don’t stay silent. Seek help if you have to and ensure that you are not wasting your time in doing something when you are headed in the wrong direction.

Stay in touch with University of Atlanta to know your potential and learn how to polish your hidden talents. Follow us on Facebook , Googleplus, Pinterest and Twitter

Never Say These 6 things If You Want to Be Successful

No one becomes successful overnight! There is no single secret to success but after studying the habits of several successful people. At University of Atlanta we have observed that every single successful person has an attitude that plays a big role in their success.

Never Say These 6 things If You Want to Be Successful

We have compiled a set of statements that they would never say because it would contradict with their attitude that makes them successful.

“I hate this job/company”

Successful people are seen to avoid such statements, even in times when they are surrounded by negativity. They know that negativity would slow down their success rate but they understand that where there is a problem there is a solution and instead of insulting the company successful people look to resolve the problem as soon as possible.

“I hate my boss”

Successful people know how to work with and through others so they don’t spend their time complaining about their boss. You would never find them saying that their ‘boss is an idiot’ and ‘their boss never lets them do anything’ instead they focus all their energy in providing results and resolving issues with proper negotiation to make a win-win situation out of every conflict.

It’s not fair, I deserve it more

Another important quality found in every successful person is that they never whine when a fellow colleague receives an award, promotion or an appraisal, rather they are genuinely happy about their coworker and never rant about the injustice upon their success. They know that success is never easy and it would not be gifted to them so they are always proactive, they work smart, get themselves in the light, make it obvious that there is no one else who deserves that award, promotion etc more than them. If still they are deprived then rather than making a scene they develop a strong case to let the decision makers know that they deserve it more than anyone and they have worked for it.

Not my job, not my problem!

The people who succeed help others to succeed too. Billionaire Warren Buffet once said “someone is sitting in a shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago” and it is indeed right, you need to be a team player to succeed and if you are not then you can say goodbye to success.

You are doing it all wrong

It is a common practice to criticize subordinates and colleagues that they are doing it wrong, criticism though is necessary at times but it needs to be constructive. Successful people know that the feelings of the others are important for their motivation, even when they disagree with someone’s idea they say ‘your idea is interesting, do tell me how we can benefit from it’ and then say ‘okay, how about we take a different approach and let’s examine the pros and cons’.

This has always been done this way

Innovation and adaptability are the key traits of a successful person. Successful people accept new ideas, believe in change and are never afraid of trying something new. The most successful innovator of our times Steve Jobs for example always believed in the power of change and it was his passion to think different that led us to have inventions like the iPhone, iPad and most importantly Apple that have revolutionized the whole world.

Related: Why was Steve Jobs so Successful?

We at the University of Atlanta advise you that to be successful you should stop complaining and should do something about the problems you are facing. Follow us on Facebook , GooglePlusPinterest and Twitter to get more interesting reads on career, success and more.

Does Being Rich Make You Successful?

If you are asked a simple question, as simple as this that what would you like more, to be ‘rich’ or  ‘successful’, what would your answer be?  Well, many would answer rich but smarter ones would answer that they would like to be successful.

Does Being Rich Makes You Successful?

So what is success? At University of Atlanta, we interviewed several students and found out that to most of them success is a measure of money, how much money you have and how much money you make, makes you successful. But if this is true then there would not be a single person who can truly be called successful, not even Bill Gates with a net-worth of US$ 79.6 billion (January 2015).

Similarly, investment and hedge fund analysts are known to make millions, which makes them really rich but being successful is a different ball-game. If money was the measure, they’ll have to keep on winning every year and keep on being on the number one position but you can’t always be the top dog in the league.

We at the University of Atlanta believe that success is getting pleasure in what you do and what you have achieved. It is not necessary that you have to have a net worth of $10 billion or more to be called successful as you may be a billionaire but if you have been miserable earning that money by working on a job that makes you ache then you should stop doing that and figure out what you want to do the rest of your life.

Although money is necessary in dealing with the world but the important thing is earning it by doing what you love. When you love what you do, you will not only be happy about your work, but you will be more dedicated and passionate about it, you will excel in your work because you will enjoy doing it and as a result success is inevitable. To get more interesting reads follow us on FacebookGooglePlusPinterest and Twitter.

Right Hobbies to Boost Your Career Prospects

It’s no secret that more companies are now hiring for cultural fit in an effort to capitulate higher performing candidates. As one study from the prominent University of Atlanta’s analysis and research center discovered that, many employers are now bringing focus to a candidate’s hobbies and analyze their personality accordingly. In fact, many employers indicated that these hobbies and benefits candidates more than experience and qualification when selecting an individual for a job.

You might think that having skills is what really attracts an employer, and hobbies carry no credibility, but if you’re a job seeker, this means that you may want to take up a hobby or two in order to make yourself more attractive to prospective employers and boost your employability –Pick hobbies that would add up to your strength, It all depends on what type of personal strengths you’re looking to showcase!  University of Atlanta experts in career counseling have short listed a few hobbies that would elevate your strength and benefit your standing in the industry.


Outdoor Sports

Hobbies like cycling, running or swimming would suggest that the person has strength and power. It would be the exact quality that would be required for a person who is looking for a career in sales or business development.

Adrenaline Rush

Mountain climbing, scuba diving, skydiving and mountain cycling are high risk taking activities, this clearly states that the person has a risk taking personality and he is not afraid to experience new and exciting things. These people are leaders that will give a major impact in their resume and personality.

The Creativity in You

Hobbies such as painting, photography and cooking, these hobbies clearly brings out the creative side of you. This kind of people are a best fit for social media, marketing, design and Public relations. Your hobbies truly reflect your characteristics.

Group Sports
Team sports such as hockey, cricket, football or dodge ball  shows off that you are a team player and your can very well work with the people around you, and this quality is useful in every team based environment and people having such qualities are desirable and well appreciated in every organization.

Mind Bending Strategic Games
Games like Chess,  Sudoku and Backgammon classifies that you enjoy thinking strategically,  these kind of people are a best-fit in industries where policy makers, developers, and strategic formulation is the key factor for the required  vacancy for e.g. planning based role.

Creative writing

If you own a personal blog where you share information such as blogging, poetry and short stories you are the best fit for in places such as content writing, communications or writing editors. This type of skill is extremely appreciated for editorial arrangements, public relations positions with a prominence on communications, or social media-type roles.

Important Note – Don’t Fake a Hobby!

It’s significant to note that if a hobby makes you miserable, you probably shouldn’t do it – even if it will amaze employers. The same goes for constructing an interest in certain hobbies. If you fake an interest in team sports despite being the type that runs away from the ball, it might not work out so well for you, what if you’re hired and asked to join the company’s volleyball team it will be embarrassing right?

University of Atlanta Career Center and student council makes sure that graduates of UofA are not lagging behind and are always up-to-date with what happens around them. At present, UofA student are working in reputed firms all around the world. To stay connected and learn more follow us on Facebook , Googleplus, Pinterest and Twitter.

Research Says Being Disorganized Makes You Smarter

There is a huge pile of paper on your desk, not to mention the paperwork stacked in the drawers, some are also hidden under your desk and you don’t know what to do with them. Well, you are ‘messy’ and you shouldn’t have any shame in calling yourself ‘disorganized’.


For years we kept hearing that being organized keeps you productive but a recent research has revealed that being disorganized too can go to your benefit as the research says that being disorganized can really be a predictor of your smartness. The research was conducted by a neuroscientist named Robert Thatcher who conducted a series of experiments that concluded that the more disorganized you are, the smarter your brain is.

Thatcher says that creativity is a result of several ideas combining or crashing together to produce breakthrough thoughts and novel associations. The more thoughts your mind has the more capacity it has to produce novel ideas by finding associations just like when you are reading more than one book at a time your brain dives into a pool of new ideas and keeps on developing new connections so when your mind wanders its indeed a good thing. According to Thatcher, this process occurs more in a disorganized brain so when your brain remains in a messy and disorganized state you are likely to be more creative and smart.

Many new successful and creative projects are just the result of the creator’s mind wandering at an unexpected time in an unexpected direction and then the idea just hits them. Though you still need to be organized but being rigidly system-oriented makes you perform in an expected way and your brain is likely to become dull and process oriented.

We at the University of Atlanta want you to inject a little bit of disorder and mismanagement in your daily life, let your mind wander a little, go out for an unexpected walk, develop multiple hobbies, borrow ideas, let other use your thoughts and ideas for once to get unplanned success. Join the University of Atlanta network on FacebookTwitterGoogle Plus and Pinterest to keep getting useful updates and stay connected.

How to Make Your Job Interview Successful?

Interviewing fruitfully is probably the most important part in securing your dream internship or job. University of Atlanta came up with a few tips that would help candidates who are preparing for an interview.


Dress appropriately

This is the time while you’ll be analyzed from top to bottom, so dress up appropriately. Avoid anything which has too many patterns it might distract your interviewers. Keep it low on perfumes.

Go through your CV

Practice your answering skills; ask family member or friend to help you out. Go over how you would respond to common interview questions

Do your research

Do your research on the company, about their offices and you should know everything about their mission and vision statement. Show your interest in the services of the company.

Know yourself

Analyze your skills and know what you are capable of; an interview is an act of marketing yourself. But don’t go overboard in doing so.

Be on time

Get there a little early and avoid running late, go to visit the place you’ll be going to give this interview before.  Just in case you get confused and run late on the date of interview.

University of Atlanta wishes every individual well and a bright future. UofA not only believes in providing excellent learning to each individual but also wishes well to every individual in order to reach the top. To stay connected and learn more follow us on Facebook , Googleplus, Pinterest and Twitter

Bill Gates Teaches You How to Negotiate Like a Pro

Negotiation is said to be a journey into the unknown as the negotiators do not know how it’s going to turn out for them with certainty. It is impossible for you to read mind of the other person and this leads to increased uncertainty while negotiating. Considering the importance of the role negotiation plays in the success of your career and life, University of Atlanta has taken inspiration from the one who is widely known as one of the best in the world to get things done. Yes! Bill Gates is going to be your let you know about the secrets to negotiation success.


Listen more than you speak

The most important thing when you are negotiating is to listen, listen and then give your perspective without getting emotionally charged at the other person. Gates is an excellent listener and years ago he was locked in the toughest negotiating encounters he had to ever face with Apple’s co-founder Steve Jobs when Jobs has claimed that Microsoft Windows was a complete copy of the operating system that Apple was using at that time, though even the Apple’s operating system in reality was actually liberally borrowed by Apple from Xerox.

Gates went to Apple and Steve Jobs charged emotionally at Gates, but the key over here was that Gates stayed calm and listened to Jobs who kept on yelling that “you are ripping us off, I trusted you and now you are stealing from us!”  After listening to all what Jobs has to say without interrupting him, Gates calmly responded to Jobs  and said, “I think it is more like we both had this rich neighbor named ‘Xerox’, and I broke into his house to steal the TV set and found out you had already stolen it.”

And this was the key as he listened, remained calm and handled the situation with a response that calmed him down and later the two founders sorted things out.

Don’t let your emotions take over

Gates secret to negotiating may also be attributed to another fact that he is a little less emotional, not unemotional but rather a little less emotional as he knows that when dealing with people emotions need to be kept aside.

Anger, ego, anxiety and fear of exploitation hinder the process of an effective negotiation and the key over here is to be self-aware having a capacity to figure out quickly what triggered or what can trigger an emotional response through analyzing the other person without getting emotional on the responses. You need to be passionate but at the same time you need to control your emotions.

Negotiation forms an important part of your overall success and we at University of Atlanta believe that your preparation and reflection would be the key elements to your successful negotiation experiences. Learn more successful career lessons by following us on our social channels FacebookTwitterGoogle Plus or Pinterest.

University of Atlanta is bringing out the emotional side of everyone on this Mother’s Day

This Mother’s Day, University of Atlanta is celebrating it to the fullest, it’s not just about presenting your mom that kitchen appliance that she always wanted or breakfast in bed, its right from the heart through words, giving you a chance to come out and say those things for your mom that you always felt but never expressed. Things never last, but memories live forever.

“When your mother asks, “Do you want a piece of advice?” it’s a mere formality. It doesn’t matter if you answer yes or no. You’re going to get it anyway.”

― Erma Bombeck

On 10th of May, UofA is celebrating Mother’s day to admire and give tribute to mothers all over the world, recognizing the struggles and contributions she makes each day for their children and family. Mothers are like Queen Bees, Who live to give their child the best food and shelter with love and care. UofA asked their student to share their feeling about their moms.


A letter to my mother:

Dear Mom, at the breakfast table today, you told me all you want for Mother’s day is to spend some time with you. This wasn’t the first time she said those words to me, but today I realized something. It took me 20 years to realize it that , you were chosen to be my mother for a reason , Nobody in the world could handle the emotional monster in me, you love and care has taught me so much in the past couple of years .  Through this letter, I want to let you know that Mom, You’re the best!!

Student of University of Atlanta

The second Mother’s Day message was also from a student; her words were as overwhelming as a mother’s hug.

“I haven’t seen my mother for the past seven years, but she always there with me, Whenever I want to talk to her I close my eyes and she’ is there with me, listening to every word I say., she’s always in front of my eyes. I want her to just laze in her lap and tell her how much I need her and talk to her all night long, then fall asleep in her warm lap. I still remember how we used to talk all night long, and then she tucked me in. I love you, mom, I miss you with all my heart”

Let’s give all we have to our mother on this day. However they are, wherever they are, alive or dead, they can never escape away from our spirit and mind. The ultimate prize that we can and should give to our mothers on Mother’s Day is to make a resolution to elevate ourselves not merely as great personalities but as good persons.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers out there, from University of Atlanta! To cherish this day with us follow us on Facebook , Googleplus , Pinterest and Twitter.